Aleksander Mitrovic2 min readWhy employees are the best ambassadorsBrand ambassadors have always been a strong support for companies. Currently, more and more companies are concentrating on social media...
Aleksander Mitrovic4 min readWhy you should turn your employees into corporate influencersWho better to present a company than the crowd of enthusiastic employees? Every employee can become an opinion maker for his company....
Aleksander Mitrovic3 min readThis is how employees become social media ambassadorsFinding the right influencer for your own company is not easy. A good solution is actually obvious: your own employees. These five tips...
Aleksander Mitrovic8 min readZagovorništvo zaposlenih kot največja neizrabljena marketinška priložnost 2. delMerjenje učinkov zagovorništva zaposlenih V prejšnji številki smo se osredotočili na širši kontektst zagovorništva zaposlenih, ki je v...
Aleksander Mitrovic5 min readZagovorništvo zaposlenih kot največja neizkoriščena marketinška priložnost 1. delUvod Družabna omrežja so že del mainstreama. Ne moremo več ignorirati dejstva, da več kot polovica celotne populacije dnevno uporablja...
Denis Mancevič3 min readPovezani v odtujenostiPotrošniki vse manj zaupajo oglaševanju in vse aktivneje iščejo alternativna mnenja. Mednarodna agencija za upravljanje s človeškimi viri...
Aleksander Mitrovic1 min readDigitization as a motorDigitization is increasing in many areas of life and business and is changing the way we live and work together. So it is only logical...